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Successful Motion for Expungement of Criminal Records

A client had a criminal record from a young age. One of them was for driving under the influence of alcohol under Section 23152(a) of the Vehicle Code, and the other was for committing an assault under Section 242 of the Penal Code. Twenty years later, he decided that he needed to file a motion for expungement for these records in order to proceed with fixing his immigration status. He hired our criminal defense attorneys, who were able to process the motions to expunge records in a timely and efficient manner. Within 4 months, the process was complete.

Brief Summary of the Motion for Expungement Case

A client, who was facing criminal records for driving under the influence of alcohol and for an assault committed twenty years ago, decided to expunge his record in order to regularize his immigration status. He had the assistance of criminal record expunging attorneys who successfully handled the motions to expunge records, completing the process within a span of four months.

Case Background

The client had lived a relatively quiet life after his criminal incidents. However, the need to regularize his immigration status motivated him to act. His criminal record represented a significant barrier despite his seniority; therefore, after asking himself, How can I clear my criminal record? He decided to contact a record-clearing attorney at S&B Legal.

The client was a person who had learned from his past mistakes. Regardless of the presence of his crimes, he decided to take steps to improve his life and behave responsibly.

The crimes on his record included a conviction for DUI (driving under the influence) under Section 23152(a) of the Vehicle Code and another for assault under Section 242 of the Penal Code. Both incidents occurred during a difficult period of his youth.

Applicable Laws

The clearing of criminal records is governed by the laws of the state of California, which offer different paths to the elimination of crimes depending on their nature, time elapsed, and subsequent behavior.

  • Vehicle Code Section 23152(a) – This section makes it illegal to operate a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Penal Code Section 242 – This section deals with assault, which depending on the degree of assault can be considered a misdemeanor or felony. According to the Penal Code, this crime is prohibited in California “even if it does not cause actual injury or pain.”

Charges and Penalties

Both DUI and assault carry severe penalties, including fines, potential jail time, and even negative repercussions on your criminal record that, depending on the case and the criminal record clearance attorney who helps you, could be eliminated.


Having a negative criminal record can lead to difficulty getting a job, problems buying a home, car, or any other movable or immovable property, limitations in obtaining driver’s licenses, affect your credit record, and could even limit you when traveling to certain countries.

Immediate Impact

Likewise, the emotional and economic burden of having a criminal record can destabilize a person’s life, affecting their self-esteem and interpersonal relationships. But, keep in mind that you can obtain criminal expungement in the US, you just have to contact a criminal record clearance attorney to help you get out of this situation unscathed.

Long-Term Implications

In the long term, a clean record can open doors in the workplace and in society, as well as facilitate access to benefits and full participation in the community. With a clean criminal record, it is possible to have a better reputation, and restoration of rights, but also the processing of legal documents will be easier.

Actions Taken

The client’s criminal record clearance attorneys took the reins of the legal process, filing the appropriate motions for the expungement of the record. This strategic approach allowed for the positive resolution of the case in a short period of time.

Rehabilitation and Education Programs

The client benefited from both rehabilitation and education programs, which demonstrated his commitment to change and helped support his request for the expungement of the record.

Lessons Learned

The importance of personal responsibility and the role of education in crime prevention are lessons that emerge from this case, which shows that with adequate time and effort, people can change. The client’s decision to expunge record reflects a desire for rehabilitation and reintegration into society.

Advice for minors and their parents

  1. Parents should educate their children about the consequences of actions considered illegal, such as driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs and participating in acts of violence. Understanding these consequences can deter risky behavior.
  2. Open and honest communication should be maintained within the family about issues related to legality and interpersonal relationships, which can help minors make informed decisions by discerning between right and wrong.

Legal Information

There are multiple legal resources available to those seeking to expunge criminal records, including free consultations and advice from criminal law attorneys. If you are currently asking yourself: How can I expunge my criminal record? Do not hesitate to contact us, at S&B Legal, we can help.

Organizations and Help

Throughout the state of California, there are different non-profit organizations that offer assistance to people with criminal records, helping them navigate the path of reintegration into society.

Related Articles and Readings

In this regard, it is advisable to read about the rights of defendants, reintegration laws, and similar success stories, because researching and staying up to date is very important. Therefore, on our S&B Legal website, we have all the information that can help you at any given time.


Clearing a criminal record, as demonstrated in our client’s case, is possible with the right advice and tactics. Expunging a criminal record not only improves the quality of life of the individual involved but also promotes a more positive environment for the community. Together with legal intervention, education, and prevention, these are key tools to ensure that people can leave their past behind and focus their future on obtaining better life opportunities.