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what happens when you file for bankruptcy

How to File for Bankruptcy: Everything You Need to Know

Filing for bankruptcy may be what you need to save your financial future. But be careful; you should reach out to those who know how to file for bankruptcy properly. And you came to the right place because, at S&B Legal, you will receive the advice of bankruptcy lawyers with the necessary experience to analyze and take on your case. Don’t risk it! Contact us now!

Key Takeaways

  • Filing for bankruptcy or bankruptcy is a crucial step that should be taken with caution and with the support of attorneys with experience in the matter.
  • How to declare bankruptcy? You must carefully and diligently follow several steps, from evaluating your personal financial situation to deciding which type of bankruptcy is most appropriate for your case, completing the paperwork, and filing the petition with the court.
  • Although bankruptcy can provide financial relief to debtors, it also carries negative impacts, such as affected credit scores, possible loss of non-exempt assets, and limitations on employment opportunities.

Is bankruptcy your best option?

Let’s go step by step… Before learning how to declare bankruptcy, or agonizing over what the requirements are for declaring bankruptcy, you must honestly answer the question: is bankruptcy really the solution to your debt problem? What does it mean to file for bankruptcy?

If you’ve already shuffled all the debt relief cards and none of them work for you – not even debt consolidation – bankruptcy may emerge as the lifeline that will keep you from sinking into debt.

And what happens when you file for bankruptcy? Simple: the moment you file the bankruptcy petition it is as if you pressed a button that deactivates the calls from collectors, lawsuits and garnishments… Suddenly, you will be able to take a deep breath and start again financially speaking.

But pay attention to the data! Bankruptcy, like all roses, also has its thorns. An experienced bankruptcy attorney can be your best ally before entering a battle you’re not quite sure how to win.

How to file for bankruptcy: step by step

The time has come for you to know how to file for bankruptcy. It’s a multi-step process, but don’t panic! With the right advice, it can be a successful path.

  • Take a look at your financial situation: this is the crucial step before answering the question of how to file for bankruptcy. It involves analyzing your income, expenses, debts, the assets you own and the risks you face if you continue not paying your debts.
  • Stuck with no way out?: If the bills are stacking up, the debts exceed your income, or it would take you years to pay them off, it may be time to file for bankruptcy. But be careful! Don’t take a wrong step without the necessary legal advice.
  • Deciding which bankruptcy to file: There are four types of bankruptcy in the United States. However, the most common are Chapter 7, which involves liquidating some of your assets to pay debts, and Chapter 13, in which a payment plan is established without interest or late penalties and without you getting rid of your assets. How to file bankruptcy Chapter 7? We can tell you more about it.
  • Complete the documentation: in this phase the paperwork is the protagonist, and there are several documents and forms that must be submitted to the bankruptcy court.
  • File the bankruptcy petition: This is the step that will activate the legal process.
  • Bankruptcy court hearing: Here a judge will decide whether to grant you bankruptcy [1].
  • Comply to win: Depending on the type of bankruptcy, the court will impose commitments on you that you must honor.
how to file for bankruptcy

What happens when you file for bankruptcy?

The consequences of filing bankruptcy are the fine print of the long and eventful bankruptcy journey. You have to stay strong because it can affect your financial life in several ways:

  • Affected credit score: It may be more difficult to obtain loans and credit cards for several years [2].
  • Get rid of assets: You may have to sell non-exempt assets such as your house and car and even use your savings to pay debts, as in the case of Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
  • It will limit your employment opportunities: Working in banking or trust funds will be more difficult if you file for bankruptcy [3].
  • Information available to everyone: Future employers, acquaintances, or family members will be able to know that you filed for bankruptcy since the information is public.

Contact S&B Legal for competent bankruptcy advice

Do debts keep you up at night and your intuition screams that you should know how to file for bankruptcy right now? Don’t lose any more sleep, contact us and request a free evaluation from our experienced bankruptcy attorneys. Break the chains that separate you from financial peace of mind! Filing for bankruptcy may be the key to a more stable future.


Filing for bankruptcy is an important step that should be taken with caution and with the support of experienced legal advisors in the field, such as the attorneys at S&B Legal. And how to file for bankruptcy? There are several steps to follow, from evaluating your personal financial situation to completing the required documentation and filing the petition with the court. Although bankruptcy can provide financial relief, it also carries negative consequences, such as a hit to your credit score and possible loss of assets. It is essential to understand these implications before choosing to file for bankruptcy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to have experienced bankruptcy attorneys when filing for bankruptcy?

It is essential to more safely navigate this complex legal process and evaluate whether this financial tool for people with overwhelming debt is the only alternative available and what type of bankruptcy to declare.

What is the crucial step before filing for bankruptcy?

The crucial step that answers the question of how to file for bankruptcy is to analyze your personal financial situation, including income, expenses, debts, and assets, and the risks you run due to your debts, preferably with an experienced attorney.

What negative implications can bankruptcy have?

Another aspect that you should know about filing for bankruptcy is that this legal measure can lead to negative impacts, such as an impact on your credit score, the possible loss of non-exempt assets, and limitations on job opportunities.

How to file for bankruptcy and what are the steps to follow?

The steps include evaluating the financial situation, seeking legal advice, deciding what type of bankruptcy to file, completing the paperwork, filing the petition with the court, and complying with the demands imposed by the court.

What type of advice is recommended to seek before filing for bankruptcy?

An experienced bankruptcy attorney can help you evaluate whether you apply for other processes, such as debt consolidation, before filing for bankruptcy.